1. 微管相关蛋白与神经细胞的极性构建及人类疾病
2. 分子马达与神经细胞内的物质运输
3. 神经系统发育及细胞分化的分子机制
1. Tian X., Zheng P., Zhou, C., Wang, X., Ma, H., Ma, W., Zhou, X., Teng, J*., and Chen J*. (2019). DIPK2A promotes STX17- and VAMP7-mediated autophagosome-lysosome fusion by binding to VAMP7B. Autophagy. Accepted.
2. Chen Q., Teng, J., and Chen J. (2019). ATL3, a cargo receptor for reticulophagy (Commentary). Autophagy. doi:10.1080/15548627.2019.1609862.
3. Chen Q., Xiao, Y., Chai, P., Zheng, P., Teng, J*., and Chen J*. (2019). ATL3 is a tubular ER-phagy receptor for GABARAPMediated selective autophagy. Curr Biol. 2019. 29, 846-855.
4. Xia, Y., Huang, N., Chen, Z., Li, F., Fan, G., Ma, D., Chen J*., and Teng J*. (2018). CCDC102B functions in centrosome linker assembly and centrosome cohesion. J Cell Sci. 2018 Dec 3;131(23). pii: jcs222901. doi: 10.1242/jcs.222901.
5. Huang, N., Zhang, D., Wang, S., Teng, J*., and Chen J*. (2018). M-Phase Phosphoprotein 9 regulates ciliogenesis by modulating the localization of CP110-CEP97 complex at the mother centriole. Nat Commu 9:4511 (DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-06990-9).
6. Zheng, P., Chen, Q., Tian, X., Qian, N., Chai, P., Liu, B., Hu, J. Blackstone, C., Zhu, D., Teng, J*., and Chen J*. (2018). DNA Damage Triggers Tubular Endoplasmic Reticulum Extension to Promote Apoptosis by Facilitating ER-mitochondria Signaling. Cell Res.. 28: 833-854.
7. RESEARCH HIGHLIGHT: Bock FJ, Tait SWG. p53 REEPs to sow ER-mitochondrial contacts. Cell Res. 2018 Sep;28(9):877-878. doi: 10.1038/s41422-018-0073-z.
8. Huang, N., Xia, Y., Zhang, D., Wang, S., He, R., Teng, J*., and Chen J*. (2017). Hierarchical assembly of centriole subdistal appendages via centrosome binding proteins CCDC120 and CCDC68. Nat Commu 8:15057 (DOI: 10.1038/ncomms15057).
9. Xu, S., Xu, Y., Chen, L, Fang, Q., Song, S., Chen, J*., and Teng, J*. (2017). RCN1 suppresses ER stress-induced apoptosis via calcium homeostasis and PERK–CHOP signaling. Oncogenesis 6 (doi:10.1038/oncsis.2017.6).
10. Zhou, H., Wang T., Zheng, T., Teng, J*., and Chen, J*. (2016). Cep57 is a MIs12-interacting kinetochore protein involved in kinetochore targeting of Mad1-Mad2. Nat Commu 7:10151 (DOI: 10.1038/ncomms10151).
11. Chen, L., Xu, S., Xu, Y., Lu, W., Liu, L., Yue, D., Teng, J*., and Chen, J*. (2016). Cab45S promotes cell proliferation through SERCA2b inhibition and Ca2+ signaling. Oncogene 35, 35-46.
12. Lv, K., Chen, L., Li, Y., Li, Z., Zheng, P., Liu, Y., Chen, J*., and Teng, J*. (2015). Trip6 promotes dendritic morphogenesis through dephosphorylated GRIP1-dependent myosin VI and F-actin organization. J Neurosci 35, 2559-2571.
13. Wang, Q., Shen, B., Chen, L., Zheng, P., Feng, H., Hao, Q., Liu, X., Liu, L., Xu, S., Chen, J*., and Teng, J*. (2015) Extracellular calumenin suppresses ERK1/2 signaling and cell migration by protecting fibulin-1 from MMP-13-mediated proteolysis. Oncogene 34, 1006-1018.
14. Chen, L., Xu, S., Liu, L., Wen, X., Xu, Y., Chen, J*., and Teng, J*. (2014). Cab45S inhibits the ER stress-induced IRE1-JNK pathway and apoptosis via GRP78/BiP. Cell Death Dis 5, e1219.
15. Wang, Q., Shen, B., Zheng, P., Feng, H., Guo, Y., Cao, W., Chen, L., Liu, X., Zhao, G., Xu, S., Shen, W., Chen, J*., and Teng, J*. (2013.) BmCREC is an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) resident protein and required for ER/Golgi morphology. J Biol Chem 288, 26649-26657.
16. Miao, L., Teng, J*., Lin, J., Liao, X., and Chen, J*. (2013.) 14-3-3 proteins interact with neurofilament protein-L and regulate dynamic assembly of neurofilaments. J Cell Sci 126, 427-436.
17. He, R., Wu, Q., Zhou, H., Huang, N., Chen, J*., and Teng, J*. (2013). Cep57 protein is required for cytokinesis by facilitating central spindle microtubule organization. J Biol Chem 288, 14384-14390.
18. He, R., Huang, N., Bao, Y., Zhou, H., Teng, J*., and Chen, J*. (2013). LRRC45 is a centrosome linker component required for centrosome cohesion. Cell Rep 4, 1100-1107.
19. Feng, H., Chen, L., Wang, Q., Shen, B., Liu, L., Zheng, P., Xu, S., Liu, X., Chen, J., and Teng, J*. (2013). Calumenin-15 facilitates filopodia formation by promoting TGF-beta superfamily cytokine GDF-15 transcription. Cell Death Dis 4, e870.
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