Selected Publication
1. Yang, Y.L., W.H. Jiang, J.S. Chiao, and G.P. Zhao* (1998). Regulation of rifamycin SV production and glutamine synthetase expression in Amycolatopsis mediterranei U-32. Actinomycetol. 12: 141-147
2. Xi Huang, et al., Guoping Zhao* (2002). Affinity alkylation of the Trp-B4 residue of the β-subunit of the glutaryl 7-aminocephalosporanic acid acylase of Pseudomonas sp.l30. J Bio Chem 277: 10256-10264
3. Ze-Guang Han, Guo-Ping Zhao and Zhu Chen (2003). Transcriptome study in China. C. R. Biologies 326: 949-957
4. Xiao S, et al., Zhao G, Kong X* (2001). Dentinogenesis imperfecta 1 with or without progressive hearing loss is associated with distinct mutations in DSPP. Nat Genet 27: 201-204
5. Bu L, et al., Zho G. Hayden MR, Kong X* (2002). Mutant DNA-binding domain of HSF4 is associated with autosomal dominant lamellar and Marner cataract. Nat Genet 31: 276-278
6. Xue-Xia Miao, et al., Guo-Ping Zhao*, Yong-Ping Huang* (2005). Simple sequence repeat-based consensus linkage map of Bombyx mori. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 102: 16305-16308
7. Shuang-Xi Ren, et al., Guo-Ping Zhao* (2003). Unique Physiological and Pathogenic Features of Leptospira interrogans Revealed by Whole Genome Sequencing. Nature 422: 888-893
8. QIAN, Wei, et al., Guoping Zhao*, Jiliang Tang*, Chaozu He* (2005) Comparative and Functional Genomic Analyses of the Pathogenicity of Phytopathogen Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris. Genome Res 15(6): 757-767
9. The Chinese SARS molecular epidemiology consortium (2004). Molecular Evolution of the SARS Coronavirus During the Course of the SARS Epidemic in China. Science 303: 1666-1669 (*Correspondent of the whole work)
10. Huai-Dong Song, et al., Guo-Ping Zhao* (2005). Cross-host evolution of SARS coronavirus in palm civet and human Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 102: 2430-2435
11. Zheng H, et al., Zhao G*, Zhang Y.* (2008) Genetic basis of virulence attenuation revealed by comparative genomic analysis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strain H37Ra versus H37Rv. PLoS ONE. 3(6): e2375.
12. Zhao W, et al., Wang S*, Ding X*, Zhao GP* (2010) Complete genome sequence of the rifamycin SV-producing Amycolatopsis mediterranei U32 revealed its genetic characteristics in phylogeny and metabolism. Cell Res. 20: 1096–1108
13. The Schistosoma japonicum Genome Sequencing and Functional Analysis Consortium (2009) The Schistosoma japonicum genome reveals features of host–parasite interplay. Nature 460: 345-351
14. Qijun Wang, et al., Shimin Zhao*, Guo-Ping Zhao* (2010) Acetylation of Metabolic Enzymes Coordinates Carbon Source Utilization and Metabolic Flux. Science 327: 1004-1007
15. Lu LD, Sun Q, Fan XY, Zhong Y, Yao YF*, Zhao GP* (2010) Mycobacterial MazG is a novel NTP pyrophosphohydrolase involved in oxidative stress response. J Biol Chem. 285(36): 28076-85
16. Min Li, et al., Guoping Zhao*, Jeremy K. Nicholson*, Lanjuan Li*, and Liping Zhao* (2008) Symbiotic gut microbes modulate human metabolic phenotypes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 105: 2117-2122