题目:Organization of DNA replication and the control of gene expression, cell identity and genome stability
报告人:Marcel Mechali
Research Director, DRCE2, CNRS
Institute of Human Genetics, CNRS
Selected Publications:
1. Ganier O, Bocquet S, Peiffer I, Brochard V, Arnaud P, Puy A, Jouneau A, Feil R, Renard JP, and Méchali M. (2011) Synergic reprogramming of mammalian cells by combined exposure to mitotic Xenopus egg extracts and transcription factors. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.,108, 17331-17336.
2. Cayrou C., Coulombe P, Vigneron A., Stanojcic S., Ganier O., Peiffer I., Rivals E., Puy A., Laurent-Chabalier S., Desprat R., and Méchali M. (2011) Genome-scale analysis of metazoan replication origins reveals their organization in specific but flexible sites defined by conserved features. Genome Res., 9, 1438-1449.
3. Nishiyama A, Frappier L, Méchali M. (2010) MCM-BP regulates unloading of the MCM2-7 helicase in late S phase. Genes and Dev., 25, 165-175.
4. Méchali, M, (2010), DNA replication origins: many choices for appropriate answers. Nature Rev Mol Cell Biol., 11, 728-738.