Polar auxin transport modulates early leaf flattening


Prof. Yuling Jiao published a paper in PNAS with his collaborator.

Flattened leaf blade formation is a key adaption of plants to the environment, but its developmental regulation remains to be resolved. Classical microsurgery experiments suggest that a mobile signal, known as the Sussex signal, in the shoot apex is required for flattened leaf formation. A recent study found that polar auxin transport contributes to the Sussex signal, but how microsurgeries interact with polarity genes remains elusive. Here, we combine live-imaging and computer model simulations to show that an oval-shaped auxin response in inner cells of leaf primordium is essential for the formation of bipolar SlLAM1 expression domain, which establishes initial bilateral leaf primordia. Microsurgeries lead to an axisymmetric domain shape and can interfere with other polarity factors.

Original link: https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2215569119.